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Thinking of a New Roof – Inspectors Recommend Ridge Vents

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Roof ridge vents offer several advantages over power vents or fixed vents for residential homes:

Passive Ventilation: Ridge vents operate passively, relying on natural convection currents to draw hot air out of the attic space. This means they don’t require any electricity to function, unlike power vents which rely on motors. This can lead to energy savings and reduced utility costs.

Uniform Ventilation: Ridge vents run along the length of the roof’s peak, providing continuous ventilation across the entire attic space. This helps to ensure more uniform airflow compared to individual fixed vents, which may be unevenly distributed or less effective in certain areas of the attic.

Aesthetic Appeal: Ridge vents are often designed to blend in with the roofline, making them less obtrusive and more visually appealing compared to power vents, which typically protrude from the roof and may detract from the home’s appearance.

Weather Resistance: Ridge vents are generally more weather-resistant than other types of vents, as they are installed along the highest point of the roof and are less susceptible to wind-driven rain or snow infiltration compared to roof-mounted power vents.

Quiet Operation: Since ridge vents operate passively, they produce minimal noise compared to power vents, which can be quite loud when the motor is running. This can contribute to a quieter and more comfortable living environment.

Low Maintenance: Ridge vents typically require minimal maintenance once installed properly. Unlike power vents, which have moving parts that can wear out or require periodic servicing, ridge vents simply provide a continuous opening for ventilation without the need for regular upkeep.

Effective Heat Dissipation: By venting hot air out through the highest point of the roof, ridge vents help to dissipate heat buildup more effectively, reducing the temperature inside the attic space. This can help prolong the lifespan of roofing materials and prevent moisture-related issues such as mold and mildew growth.

Overall, roof ridge vents offer a cost-effective, low-maintenance solution for attic ventilation that provides consistent airflow and contributes to improved energy efficiency and indoor comfort in residential homes.

Call ARIEL Inspection & Engineering for an independent consultation.

Inspecting your Residential HVAC

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Inspecting a residential HVAC system requires a thorough evaluation of various components to ensure proper functionality, efficiency, and safety. No matter who you hire to service and inspect your system they should provide you an overview of their findings when completed.

New systems should be serviced a minimum of once a year; systems greater than 5 years old we recommend a bi-annual inspection. (One in the fall to be ready for winter weather and to ensure the furnace is in top condition and once in spring to be ready for the blistering weather we enjoy here in Dallas-Fort Worth during summer).

Here’s a detailed inspection checklist:

Outdoor Unit (Condenser):

Visual Inspection:

  • Check for any physical damage to the condenser unit, such as dents or corrosion.
  • Ensure that the unit is level and securely mounted to the ground or concrete pad.
  • Remove any debris, leaves, or vegetation around the unit that could obstruct airflow.

Condenser Coils:

  • Inspect the condenser coils for dirt, debris, or signs of corrosion.
  • Clean the coils using a soft brush or coil cleaner if necessary to improve heat transfer efficiency.

Fan Motor and Blades:

  • Check the condition of the fan motor and blades for wear and tear.
  • Lubricate the fan motor bearings if applicable.
  • Ensure that the fan blades are clean and free of debris.

Electrical Components:

  • Inspect electrical wiring and connections for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion.
  • Check the condition of the contactor, capacitor, and relay switches.
  • Test electrical components for proper voltage and current flow.

Refrigerant Levels:

  • Measure refrigerant pressure and temperature to ensure proper levels.
  • Check for refrigerant leaks using a leak detector or soap solution.
  • Recharge refrigerant if levels are low and repair any leaks if found.

Indoor Unit (Air Handler or Furnace): (Usually in the Attic)


  • Inspect and replace the air filter if dirty or clogged.
  • Recommend using a high-efficiency filter for improved indoor air quality.

Evaporator Coil:

  • Inspect the evaporator coil for dirt, dust, or debris buildup.
  • Clean the coil using a foaming coil cleaner or professional coil cleaning solution if necessary.

Blower Motor and Assembly:

  • Check the blower motor and fan assembly for proper operation.
  • Lubricate motor bearings if applicable.
  • Inspect blower wheel for balance and cleanliness.


  • Inspect ductwork for leaks, damage, or signs of deterioration.
  • Seal any leaks or gaps in duct joints using duct tape or mastic sealant.
  • Ensure that ducts are properly insulated and supported.

Safety Controls:

  • Test safety controls such as limit switches, pressure switches, and flame sensors for proper operation.
  • Verify that the thermostat is functioning correctly and accurately controlling temperature settings.

Combustion System (for Furnaces):

  • Inspect burner assembly for rust, corrosion, or debris buildup.
  • Check for proper ignition and flame sensor operation.
  • Ensure that the flue pipe is securely connected and properly vented to the exterior.

Condensate Drain:

  • Inspect the condensate drain line for clogs or blockages.
  • Clean the drain line and condensate pan if necessary to prevent water overflow or damage.

Overall System Performance:

  • Run the HVAC system through a complete heating and cooling cycle.
  • Monitor temperature differentials between supply and return air.
  • Check airflow from vents for proper volume and temperature.
  • It’s important to note that while this checklist covers many aspects of a residential HVAC system inspection, it may not cover every potential issue. It’s always recommended to consult with a licensed HVAC professional for a comprehensive inspection and any necessary repairs or maintenance tasks. Additionally, regular maintenance and servicing of the HVAC system are essential for extending its lifespan and ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

HVAC Filter Selection – Air Quality, Your Health and Comfort

Let’s discuss air quality inside your home. Those with difficulty breathing due to illness or allergies will want to read more about MIRV rating prior to selecting a filter for your home.

MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) ratings are used to measure the effectiveness of air filters in capturing airborne particles. The higher the MERV rating, the more efficient the filter is at trapping particles. However, the recommended MERV rating for a home HVAC system depends on several factors, including the system’s capabilities, indoor air quality needs, and specific requirements.

ARIEL suggests you consider that in Texas the winds blow in pollen from the trees and prairies year-round. Due to the weather, most Texans keep doors and window shut most of the time which means these pollens are trapped along with other pollutants from cooking, and your home’s furnishings. Newer homes are being built much tighter than years ago with a need to bring in outside air via the HVAC system to ensure a healthy amount of outside air is added daily to ensure good indoor air turnover.

Here are some general guidelines:

MERV 8-11:

  • Suitable for most residential HVAC systems.
  • Provides good filtration for capturing dust, pollen, pet dander, and larger particles.
  • Balances effective filtration with minimal airflow resistance, ensuring efficient system operation.

MERV 12-13:

  • Provides enhanced filtration for homes with occupants who suffer from allergies, asthma, or respiratory conditions.
  • Captures smaller particles such as mold spores, fine dust, and some bacteria.
  • May require periodic filter replacement to maintain airflow and system efficiency.

MERV 14-16:

  • Offers high-efficiency filtration for homes with specific air quality concerns, such as severe allergies or respiratory sensitivities.
  • Captures very small particles, including smoke, viruses, and bacteria.
  • Requires regular filter replacement and may increase energy consumption due to higher airflow resistance.

It’s important to consider the following factors when selecting the appropriate MERV rating for your home HVAC system:

System Compatibility: Ensure that the selected MERV rating is compatible with your HVAC system’s airflow capacity. Using a filter with a MERV rating that is too high can restrict airflow and strain the system, leading to reduced efficiency and potential damage.

Indoor Air Quality Needs: Assess your indoor air quality needs, including any specific concerns or sensitivities related to allergies, respiratory conditions, or indoor pollutants. Choose a MERV rating that provides adequate filtration for your household’s requirements.

Filter Replacement Schedule: Higher MERV-rated filters may require more frequent replacement to maintain airflow and system performance. Consider the cost and convenience of filter replacement when selecting a MERV rating.

Professional Advice: Consult with a qualified HVAC technician or air quality specialist to determine the most suitable MERV rating for your home HVAC system. They can assess your specific needs and recommend the appropriate filter for optimal indoor air quality and system efficiency.

Overall, selecting the right MERV rating for your home HVAC system involves balancing filtration effectiveness, system compatibility, and indoor air quality requirements. Choose a MERV rating that provides the desired level of filtration without compromising system performance or energy efficiency.

Trusted Medical Building Inspections in the DFW Metroplex

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Expertise, reliability, and comprehensive approach of our medical building inspection services in the DFW Metroplex.

There are several compelling reasons for conducting a commercial building inspection for a doctor’s clinic building:

  1. Safety Assurance: Ensuring the safety of patients, staff, and visitors is paramount in a medical facility. A commercial building inspection identifies any structural issues, fire hazards, or other safety concerns that could jeopardize safety.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Medical facilities are subject to various regulations and codes governing building safety, accessibility, and health standards. A thorough inspection ensures compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of penalties or legal liabilities.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Identifying potential risks and hazards early can help mitigate liability risks for the clinic. From electrical hazards to slip and fall risks, a commercial building inspection helps identify and address potential liabilities.
  4. Protecting Investments: A doctor’s clinic building is a significant investment. Regular inspections help protect this investment by identifying maintenance issues early, preventing costly repairs or replacements down the line.
  5. Optimizing Operational Efficiency: An inspection can identify inefficiencies in the building’s systems, such as HVAC, plumbing, or energy usage. Addressing these issues can lead to cost savings and improved operational efficiency for the clinic.
  6. Maintaining Reputation: A well-maintained and safe clinic reflects positively on the reputation of the healthcare provider. Regular inspections demonstrate a commitment to patient safety and quality care, enhancing the clinic’s reputation in the community.
  7. Tenant Satisfaction: If the clinic operates within a larger commercial building with multiple tenants, ensuring the safety and functionality of the building benefits all occupants. A commercial building inspection helps maintain tenant satisfaction and retention.
  8. Facilitating Transactions: Whether buying, selling, or leasing the property, a commercial building inspection provides valuable information for all parties involved. It helps buyers make informed decisions and ensures transparency in transactions.

Overall, a commercial building inspection for your doctor’s clinic building is essential for safeguarding the well-being of his patients and staff, ensuring regulatory compliance, protecting investments, and maintaining operational efficiency and reputation.

Ariel Inspections is one of the best medical building inspectors in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Contact us today to get your inspection scheduled.

Creating Inclusive Pickleball Courts: ADA Compliance for HOA and Public Facilities

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Pickleball has gained immense popularity in recent years, drawing players of all ages and abilities. Whether you’re a homeowner association (HOA) developing a community court or a public facility catering to pickleball enthusiasts, ensuring accessibility is paramount. Embracing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines not only promotes inclusivity but also aligns with local building codes, creating a welcoming space for everyone.

Inclusivity and Health Benefits:

Pickleball stands out not only for its simplicity and affordability but also for the inclusive environment it fosters. This sport encourages not only physical activity but also social interaction, making it a healthy and enjoyable choice for players of all backgrounds. The sport’s adaptability allows for individual improvement, the development of fundamentals, and the enhancement of technique, creating endless opportunities for personal growth.

The Importance of Inclusivity for ADA Individuals:

What makes pickleball truly exceptional is its commitment to inclusivity. The ease of learning and playing the game, coupled with its social nature, makes it a perfect avenue for individuals with varying physical abilities. The sport’s adaptability caters to the needs of those seeking a less strenuous environment, making it an ideal choice for those with different abilities. The pickleball community is open, welcoming, and embraces diversity, ensuring that everyone, including ADA individuals, can participate and thrive in this engaging sport

Why ADA Compliance Matters:

The ADA sets forth comprehensive guidelines to make facilities accessible for individuals with disabilities. When it comes to indoor pickleball courts, adopting these standards ensures that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can enjoy the game. From accessible parking spaces to clear pathways, ADA compliance enhances the overall user experience, promoting inclusivity and community engagement.

HOA Responsibilities:

For HOAs developing pickleball courts within residential communities, adherence to ADA guidelines is not just a legal requirement but also a commitment to fostering a sense of community for all residents. Designated accessible parking spaces, wheelchair-friendly paths, and inclusive seating arrangements demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity, creating a space where everyone can participate in the joy of pickleball.

Public Facilities and Local Building Codes:

Public pickleball courts face a similar imperative to comply with ADA guidelines, but local building codes also play a crucial role. These codes are designed to ensure the safety and accessibility of structures within a community. Local building codes must align with ADA requirements, and facility developers should work closely with regulatory bodies to guarantee full compliance. This collaboration ensures that every aspect of the facility, from court layout to restroom accessibility, meets the highest standards of inclusivity and safety.

Navigating the Requirements:

Creating an ADA-compliant pickleball facility involves meticulous attention to detail. The facility’s entrance, pathways, court layout, seating, restrooms, signage, lighting, and communication features must all be designed with accessibility in mind. Engaging with professionals who specialize in ADA compliance during the planning and construction phases can streamline the process and guarantee that every requirement is met.

The Ripple Effect of Inclusivity:

An ADA-compliant pickleball court not only fulfills legal obligations but also contributes to a more vibrant and connected community. Inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging, bringing people together to enjoy a shared passion for the game. Whether within an HOA or a public facility, adopting these standards ensures that everyone, regardless of physical ability, can participate and create lasting memories on the pickleball court.


As the popularity of pickleball continues to soar, it is essential for HOAs and public facilities to prioritize ADA compliance. By embracing these guidelines, communities not only adhere to legal requirements but also create spaces that reflect a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. Working hand-in-hand with local building codes, developers can guarantee that every aspect of their indoor pickleball court aligns with the highest standards, making the game enjoyable for everyone. Ultimately, an ADA-compliant pickleball facility isn’t just a space to play; it’s a testament to the power of community and the importance of ensuring that every member can join in the fun

Preparing Your Home for Spring Weather

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Whether you live in Dallas or Houston, Tyler or Ranger, spring and summer is the most common times for severe weather threats to strike. North Texas.

Here are some ideas to make sure your home and your family are prepared. Before storms make sure you have a list of things to do now to help protect your home against dangerous summer weather.

Avoiding Roof Damage

Cut back overhanging limbs from the roof line at least 12 feet.

Cut down any trees that have died due to the severe cold from last February 2021 that could easily fall with high winds and slam against your house.

If you keep any cars parked outside, be wary of surrounding trees, as old trees can lose limbs easily with heavy winds and torrential rain. Dead or rotting trees also attract lightning.

Tie Down Loose Objects

Be on the lookout for items that can easily blow away or damage your home like outdoor furniture, toys and backyard playground equipment. And don’t forget about potted shrubbery on patios and near windows. Stake down the larger items and bring in all that are moveable before a thunderstorm storm hits. Otherwise, gusty winds could lift them off the ground and turn them into dangerous projectiles. (And new indoor accessories!).

Keep Tools Handy

Gather together tools like hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and pliers, and keep them in an easily accessible place. If severe weather strikes, causing your home utility damage, you may need to shut off your electricity, gas, or even your water to prevent additional damage. Having these tools nearby will make this easier.

Family Safety

Don’t forget about your pets and indoor animals swimming or slithering near windows that might be injured by broken glass.

Have a “safe room” to gather in case of tornados to gather your family. General and inside closet adjacent to a bathroom or the bathroom can be used as well.

Stock your room with snacks and water. Keep some old coats, blankets and ponchos handy. Charger for cell phones, pry bar and axe.(you might need to beat feet quickly).

Extra batteries and working flashlights.

Keep phone numbers handy for local electric and gas utilities in case of outages that need reporting to restore your power or if dangerous conditions are present like downed lines or gas leaks.

… And remember

We know the storm will pass, the sun will come out… and with these few precautions you and your family will be safe.


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Last year’s deep freeze caused issues for many of our neighbors which ranged from minor leaks to catastrophic damage.  I am sure everyone has their fingers and toes crossed that we don’t have a repeat of that weather anytime soon.  Below are some ideas to help everyone be more prepared.

Some people are saying that this is a once in a lifetime event, but I can assure you it isn’t.  While the temperatures we experienced are rare this is the 3rd time since 1988, we have seen extremely low temperatures.  The reality of the situation is that we could experience another deep freeze at any time.   An occasional low temperature is not normally an issue, but problems occur when we hit below 20 degrees F for several consecutive days.

Some neighborhoods had 3 main areas of impact

  1. Fire Sprinklers systems – these are only in the newer homes built by Perry Homes
  2. Pipes leading to outside faucets in outside walls  
  3. Waterpipes in unheated attics or garage ceilings 

There are things you can all do to reduce your risk repeat of last February 2021.

If your house is going to be vacant for an extended period, you may want to consider turning off the water to the house.  Everyone should have a water valve that allows you to do this. You can also turn water off at the meter but if you have fire sprinklers you should never turn your water off at the meter because it also turns off the water supply to the fire sprinklers.

If the water supply to the fire sprinklers is shutoff you could void your insurance coverage if there is a fire.   

Water pipes in unheated areas/ Outside hose faucets 

Typically, the heat from your living space in your house will help keep the attic warmer than the outside temperatures but there are limits. The difference is usually around 15-20 degrees in the winter, but differences can be larger during extreme cold weather.  An inexpensive remote temperature sensor/alarm can help you keep an eye on your attic temperature – this is important if you have water pipes in the attic.   Attics should be kept around 60 degrees F to avert pipes bursting.

Some of us have water regular water heater or tankless water heaters installed in the attic. The water heaters require pipes be installed in the attic to feed them water and distribute it after it is heated. If it gets cold enough the cold can impact the pipes running to the water heaters even if they are insulated.  The suggestion of opening the attic stairs and cranking up the heat to the maximum worked for everyone who did this.

For those who have water heaters in the attic opening the stairs is the easiest solution but there are other solutions too:

  • Install an electronic damper on one of your furnaces that would allow you to direct hot air from your furnace directly into the attic.  You should consult a Heating and A/C specialist about this option.
  • Seal and insulate the attic with foam – this also keeps the house cooler in the summer, but it is an expensive option
  • Set up a recirculating loop that circulates hot water through you pipes in the attic.

If your water heater is in the garage, pipes may be in the ceiling or walls of the garage that can burst if they freeze.  Pipes running to outside facets may also be located in unheated garages. A few things that can help are:

  • Be sure your garage door is insulated. This can make a big difference in both summer and winter.
  • Heat the garage in extremely cold weather.  There are electric space heaters or panel heaters you can purchase that can keep you garage warmer.  You don’t need to keep the garage as warm as the house but if you can maintain 40 degrees you should be good.  When considering a heater keep in mind that most garages are about 400 sq ft.   Use only am electric heater due to potential issues with carbon monoxide when using other heater fuels.
  • Set up a recirculating loop that circulates hot water through the water pipes

The outside faucets are typically designed so they cannot freeze but for this feature to work it is critically important that there are no hoses are attached to the outside faucets. If a hose is connected it keeps water in the pipe which negates the anti-freeze technology.  The pipes that burst leading to the faucet were not insulated very well or they were in unheated garages that got very cold.  In addition to the above there are a few more things you can do to reduce the potential for freezing.

  • Cover all outside faucets with foam faucet covers 
  • Install a shutoff valve on the water line that supplies the outside faucet. This should be place in a heated area because if you don’t do this the line could still freeze and the valve might not work.  If you have a cutoff valve, be sure to leave the faucet open so any water in the pipe drains out.
  • Install a pipe heating cable along water pipe leading to the outside faucet.  This is basically a heating element that runs along the pipe to keep the water above freezing. This option may require you to open your dry wall to access the pipe.

Fire Sprinkler Systems.   

These systems are more complex to deal with but there are several solutions. Last February we saw 3 types of issues.

  1. Backflow assemblies in garages ruptured because they are in unheated spaces, and many are on outside walls – this is the most common issue and causes the least damage.
  2. Pressurized drain lines burst, once again they are in outside walls in unheated spaces.
  3. Pipes in attics froze and burst, by far the most destructive.

There are a few things you can do when we have extreme weather.

  • Heat the areas where the pipes and backflow assembly are exposed to cold air.
  • Replace the water in the system with a special chemical that is designed not to freeze.  This must be done by a professional company that is licensed to maintain fire sprinkler systems. (Glycol mixtures are typical)
  • Drain the system of water.  (NOT ADVISED) This disables your fire protection. Keep in mind should your insurance coverage may be void if you have a fire and it is determined your system was disabled.  Also, this solution does not drain the water out of vertical pipes to which sprinkler heads are attached.  The water in the vertical pipes in an attic can freeze which will cause the pipe to break and fall out of the ceiling.
  • You could also just turn the water off at the backflow assembly. This could protect you from a large flood but again your fire protection is off.  If you choose this option, before you turn the water back on be sure your pressure gauges are not lower than when you shut off the water.  If the pressure drops, while the water is turned off, it usually means a pipe has ruptured.
  • Consider buying a small flat panel ceramic heater and thermal switch that you can attach to the inside of the door that encloses your backflow assembly.  This will keep the backflow assembly and valves from freezing if installed correctly.
  • Regardless of what you do, you should have the “T” tool that is made to turn off the water at your water meter or if you don’t have one you should at least know several people who do have the tool in case you need help.   These are available from local big box retail stores for around $10.

Installing water leak sensors is also a good idea.  They are inexpensive and can alert you as soon as a leak is detected.

The Backflow assemblies do have a flow sensor which can be hooked up to any alarm system. If water flows through the fire sprinkler systems for any reason it will set of the alarm even if there is no fire.

Below is a link to the panel heater I mentioned.  This can be mounted on the backflow assembly door if it is large enough. There may are other models available at different price points. 

The following link is for a thermal switch that will also sound and alarm and send a message to your smart phone. You can connect a heater to the device or just use it to send you temperature information.

The link below is for a space heater that could be used in a garage.

Next link is for water leak detectors:

There are many sources other than Amazon for the above items including Home Depot and Lowes.

Hope this is helpful to all and let’s hope for a winter milder than 2021.

ARIEL Inspection.